Meaning of FILL in English

I. ˈfil verb

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fyllan; akin to Old English full full

Date: before 12th century

transitive verb


a. : to put into as much as can be held or conveniently contained

fill a cup with water

b. : to supply with a full complement

the class is fill ed


(1) : to cause to swell or billow

wind fill ed the sails

(2) : to trim (a sail) to catch the wind

d. : to raise the level of with fill

fill ed land

e. : to repair the cavities of (teeth)

f. : to stop up : obstruct

wreckage fill ed the channel

g. : to stop up the interstices, crevices, or pores of (as cloth, wood, or leather) with a foreign substance


a. : feed , satiate

b. : satisfy , fulfill

fill s all requirements

c. : make out , complete — used with out or in

fill out a form

fill in the blanks

d. : to draw the playing cards necessary to complete (as a straight or flush in poker)


a. : to occupy the whole of

smoke fill ed the room

b. : to spread through

music fill ed the air

c. : to make full

a mind fill ed with fantasies


a. : to possess and perform the duties of : hold

fill an office

b. : to place a person in

fill a vacancy

5. : to supply as directed

fill a prescription

6. : to cover the surface of with a layer of precious metal

intransitive verb

: to become full

- fill one's shoes

II. noun

Date: before 12th century

1. : a full supply ; especially : a quantity that satisfies or satiates

eat your fill

2. : something that fills: as

a. : material used to fill a receptacle, cavity, passage, or low place

b. : a bit of instrumental music that fills the pauses between phrases (as of a vocalist or soloist)

c. : artificial light used in photography to reduce or eliminate shadows — often used attributively

fill flash

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.