I. ˈflȯr noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English flor, from Old English flōr; akin to Old High German fluor meadow, Latin planus level, and perhaps to Greek planasthai to wander
Date: before 12th century
1. : the level base of a room
a. : the lower inside surface of a hollow structure (as a cave or bodily part)
b. : a ground surface
the ocean floor
a. : a structure dividing a building into stories ; also : story
b. : the occupants of such a floor
4. : the surface of a structure on which one travels
the floor of a bridge
a. : a main level space (as in a stock exchange or legislative chamber) distinguished from a platform or gallery
b. : the specially prepared or marked area on which indoor sports events take place
c. : the members of an assembly
took questions from the floor
d. : the right to address an assembly
the senator from Utah has the floor
6. : a lower limit : base
• floored adjective
- from the floor
II. transitive verb
Date: 15th century
1. : to cover with a floor or flooring
a. : to knock or bring down
b. : flabbergast , dumbfound
3. : to press (the accelerator of a vehicle) to the floorboard ; also : to accelerate rapidly
floor ed the van
• floor·er noun