I. ˈjəmp verb
Etymology: probably akin to Low German gumpen to jump
Date: 1530
intransitive verb
a. : to spring into the air : leap ; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs
b. : to move suddenly or involuntarily : start
c. : to move over a position occupied by an opponent's piece in a board game often thereby capturing the piece
d. : to undergo a vertical or lateral displacement owing to improper alignment of the film on a projector mechanism
e. : to start out or forward : begin — usually used with off
jump off to a big lead
f. : to move energetically : hustle
g. : to go from one sequence of instructions in a computer program to another
jump to a subroutine
2. : coincide , agree
a. : to move haphazardly or irregularly : shift abruptly
jump ed from job to job
b. : to change or abandon employment especially in violation of contract
c. : to rise suddenly in rank or status
d. : to undergo a sudden sharp change in value
prices jump ed
e. : to make a jump in bridge
f. : to make a hurried judgment
jump to conclusions
g. : to show eagerness
jump ed at the chance
h. : to enter eagerly
jump on the bandwagon
4. : to make a sudden physical or verbal attack
jump ed on him for his criticism
5. : to bustle with activity
the bar was jump ing with young people
transitive verb
a. : to leap over
jump a hurdle
b. : to move over (a piece) in a board game
c. : to act, move, or begin before (as a signal)
jump the green light
d. : to leap aboard
jump a freight
2. obsolete : risk , hazard
a. : to escape from : avoid
b. : to leave hastily or in violation of contract
jump town without paying their bills — Hamilton Basso
c. : to depart from (a normal course)
jump the track
a. : to make a sudden physical or verbal attack on
b. : to occupy illegally
jump a mining claim
(1) : to cause to leap
(2) : to cause (game) to break cover : start , flush
b. : to elevate in rank or status
c. : to raise (a bridge partner's bid) by more than one rank
d. : to increase suddenly and sharply
- jump bail
- jump ship
- jump the gun
- jump the queue
II. adverb
Date: 1539
obsolete : exactly , pat
III. noun
Date: circa 1552
(1) : an act of jumping : leap
(2) : any of several sports competitions featuring a leap, spring, or bound
(3) : a leap in figure skating in which the skater leaves the ice with both feet and turns in the air
(4) : a space cleared or covered by a leap
(5) : an obstacle to be jumped over or from
b. : a sudden involuntary movement : start
c. : a move made in a board game by jumping
d. : a transfer from one sequence of instructions in a computer program to a different sequence
conditional jump
2. obsolete : venture
(1) : a sharp sudden increase
(2) : a bid in bridge of more tricks than are necessary to overcall the preceding bid — compare shift
b. : an abrupt change or transition
(1) : a quick short journey
(2) : one in a series of moves from one place to another
d. : the portion of a published item (as a newspaper article or story) that comprises the continuation of an item that begins on a preceding page
4. : an advantage at the start
desirous of getting the jump on the competition — Elmer Davis
5. : jazz music with a fast tempo