I. ˈkwes-chən, ˈkwesh- noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin quaestion-, quaestio, from quaerere to seek, ask
Date: 14th century
(1) : an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge
(2) : an interrogative sentence or clause
b. : a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion : issue ; broadly : problem , matter
(1) : a subject or point of debate or a proposition to be voted on in a meeting
(2) : the bringing of such to a vote
d. : the specific point at issue
a. : an act or instance of asking : inquiry
b. : interrogation ; also : a judicial or official investigation
c. : torture as part of an examination
(1) : objection , dispute
true beyond question
(2) : room for doubt or objection
little question of his skill
(3) : chance , possibility
no question of escape
II. verb
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1. : to ask a question of or about
2. : to interrogate intensively : cross-examine
a. : doubt , dispute
b. : to subject to analysis : examine
intransitive verb
: to ask questions : inquire
Synonyms: see ask
• ques·tion·er noun