I. ˈtip noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English tip, tippe; akin to Middle High German zipf tip, Middle Dutch tip, Middle Low German timpe — more at tap
a. : the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something
the tip of his finger
tip of the spear
tracks … led over the tip of the hill — Robert Lund
the very tip of the nose of the fuselage — H.G.Armstrong
at the southern tip of the island — American Guide Series: Maine
the yellow tip of the sun — V.G.Heiser
the tips of their wings
b. obsolete : the highest or utmost point or extremity : crown , summit
a. : a small piece or part (as of a belt, shoe, cane, pen, or billiard cue) designed to serve as an end, cap, or point and made usually of metal, leather, or other durable substance — see shoe illustration
b. : the end of a feather or tail of fur used in trimming a hat ; specifically : a small ostrich plume
(1) : the piece or section of a jointed fishing rod farthest from the butt
(2) : the terminal guide on the end of such a rod
(1) : foothold 3
(2) : cap 3a
(3) : a short horseshoe made to reach only half round the hoof and worn to protect the crust
(1) : a thimble of leather used in archery for the protection of the drawing fingers
(2) : pile 4a
a. : a thin broad brush made of camel's or badger's hair and used in laying gold leaf (as in bookbinding)
b. : any insert pasted to the binding edge of a book or section
4. : a triangular piece of beef cut from between the round and the sirloin and used for roasting or for steaks
5. Australia : the exposed weathered end of the fibers of wool on the sheep ; also : an area or clump formed by the clotted ends of such fibers
6. tips plural : a grade of tobacco comprising the top two or three leaves on a stalk
II. transitive verb
( tipped ; tipped also tipt ; tipping ; tips )
Etymology: Middle English tippen, from tip, tippe tip
a. : to attach a tip or point to or furnish a tip for
the natives tip their arrows with stone
a summer settlement tips the slender headland — American Guide Series: Maine
(1) : to cover or adorn the tip of
black wrought iron legs handsomely tipped with brass — advt
tipped with gold-leaf trim — Frederick Way
scales tipped with yellowish green above the back — P.M.Roedel
(2) : to blend (furs) for improved appearance by brushing the tips of the hair with dye
2. : to affix or paste (an insert) in a book at the binding margin — often used with in or sometimes with into or on
one volume … with 105 full-color reproductions from photographs tipped in — Yale Review
when plates are tipped on, they should be freed from the text — Edith Diehl
3. : to remove the ends of (as living shoots)
tip raspberries
the cow's horns were tipped to prevent injury in shipping
III. verb
( tipped ; tipped also tipt ; tipping ; tips )
Etymology: Middle English tipen
transitive verb
a. : to cause to overturn or proceed downward : throw or cast down : upset — usually used with over or onto
the wind struck the car and nearly tipped it over — Ernest Hemingway
the truck tipped its trailer onto the car
b. : to knock down (a bowling pin) otherwise than by direct impact of a bowl
the bowled kingpin tipped three other pins
2. : to turn (something) from a horizontal or vertical position to a slanting or inclined position : cant , tilt
tipped his head to one side — A.R.Wetjen
neighborhood loafers tipped their chairs — S.T.Williamson
were required to tip their hats to the chemists — W.H.Whyte
would eventually tip the balance of power — Time
3. chiefly dialect : to drink (liquor) especially at one draft
4. Britain : to empty by tilting : dump
a hole into which I had been tipping cinders — Francis King
tipped it down gently off the spade onto the grass — Punch
intransitive verb
1. : to become overturned or upset : topple — usually used with over
a canoe will sometimes tip over quickly
2. : to move from the vertical or horizontal : lean , slant
the bench tips on the uneven floor
tall buildings tip slightly in the wind
- tip the scales
IV. noun
( -s )
1. archaic : the upsetting of a bowling pin by another that falls or rolls against it
2. : the act or an instance of tipping : tilt
the tower has a slight tip to the south
3. Britain
a. : an elevated runway along which railroad cars or wagons can be run to have their contents tipped or dumped (as into a chute) at the end
b. : such a runway together with a crane that picks up a car or wagon and swings it bodily so that its contents can be tipped or dumped a desired — compare tipple IV
4. Britain : a place for depositing something (as rubbish or garbage or material for embankments) by tipping or dumping : dump
V. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English tippe; akin to Low German tippen to tap
: the act or process of tipping : a light touch or blow : tap
giving him a tip on the shoulder
VI. verb
( tipped ; tipped also tipt ; tipping ; tips )
transitive verb
1. : to strike lightly : touch , tap
the sword tipped his shoulder — Irish Digest
a baseball catcher sometimes tips the batsman's bat illegally with his mitt
2. : to hit (a baseball or cricket ball) a glancing blow with the edge or side of the bat
the batter tipped the ball foul
3. : to hit (as a basketball) lightly with the hand or fingers
tips the ball to keep it rim high — Scholastic Coach
— often used with in
the forward tipped in another basket
intransitive verb
: to move or proceed with mincing or light steps : tiptoe
tipping to the front windows, she closed them — J.B.Benefield
VII. verb
( tipped ; tipped also tipt ; tipping ; tips )
Etymology: perhaps from tip (VI)
transitive verb
1. : give , present
be merry and tip us a song
tipped the head clerk a signal — Mark Twain
2. : to give a tip or gratuity to
the searchers, being tipt with half a crown, allowed us to proceed — Tobias Smollett
tipped the servants liberally — W.F.DeMorgan
tip them if they bring refreshments to your seat — Richard Joseph
intransitive verb
: to bestow a tip or gratuity
always tips generously
how much to tip is a problem
- tip one the wink
VIII. noun
( -s )
: a gift or a usually small sum of money tendered in payment or often in excess of prescribed or suitable payment for a service performed or anticipated
cost 15 cents plus a 10-cent tip
the redcaps had begun … to press for their interests in the question of tips — Current Biography
at the entrance girl artists do portrait sketches for a tip — American Guide Series: Florida
IX. noun
( -s )
Etymology: perhaps from tip (VII)
1. : an item of expert or authoritative information imparted or sought for one's guidance
take my tip and do not venture in there without a guide — Fred Streeter
wanted to pick up the tips which experience had taught the pioneers — R.C.Snyder
giving … useful tips on all sorts of ways of spending the Christmas holidays — N.Y.Times
2. : a piece of advance or confidential information given by or received from one thought to have access to special or inside sources : hint , steer : as
a. : a prediction concerning the expected change in the value or status of a stock, bond, or other security
brokers … versed in the art of getting tips and advance information of events likely to affect prices — Frederick Simpich †1950
tips and rumors … send shares from quotations of a few cents up to thousands and down again — American Guide Series: Nevada
b. : a forecast of the outcome or winner of a sporting event (as a horse or dog race) used chiefly for placing a bet
through her I got that tip on the horse race — Erle Stanley Gardner
in one day you clean out half of what I had saved with your phoney tips — Ring
c. : an advance notice or report concerning a newsworthy development of special interest to a reporter or a newspaper
personnel frequently offer tips or clues to news developments — Banking
has been following obscure news tips and developing stories of wide significance — Current Biography
even an hour's delay may mean the difference between tip and fact — Radio News
X. transitive verb
( tipped ; tipped ; tipping ; tips )
a. : to impart a tip, a piece of information or advice, or a warning about often in a secret or confidential manner
somebody was tipping their flights to the rebels — J.A.Phillips
are you afraid I'll tip the plot — Maurice Zolotow
b. : to make mention of as a prospective winner or a profitable investment
has been tipped as council president
practically nothing makes you look more foolish than tipping a loser — G.F.T.Ryall
industrials are being tipped in the forecasts
2. : to give a tip or private or confidential information to
his wife … was tipped three days in advance and returned — Newsweek
both had already been tipped to … keep top-secret documents face down on the desk — J.P.O'Donnell
— often used with off
a friend tipped him off that pianos were having a phenomental sale — Green Peyton
thousands … were tipped off in time to flee — T.H.Fielding
- tip one's hand
XI. noun
( -s )
Etymology: perhaps from tip (VI)
: a crowd gathered or attracted by a pitchman or barker
the opening tip consisted of all the roughnecks and loafers — G.A.Hamid
for his horoscope pitch he often had his wife circulate among the tip — W.L.Gresham