Meaning of JUMP in English

■ verb

1》 push oneself into the air using the muscles in one's legs and feet.

↘pass over by ~ing.

2》 move suddenly and quickly.

↘make a sudden involuntary movement in surprise.

↘get on or off (a vehicle) quickly.

↘(also ~ on ) informal attack or criticize suddenly.

3》 pass abruptly from one subject or state to another.

↘rise or increase suddenly.

↘ N. Amer. take summary possession of (land) after alleged abandonment or forfeiture by the former occupant.

4》 informal fail to stop at (a red traffic light).

5》 ( be ~ing ) informal (of a place) be very lively.

6》 ( ~ at/on ) accept eagerly.

7》 vulgar slang, chiefly N. Amer. have sex with.

8》 Bridge make a bid that is higher than necessary, in order to signal a strong hand.

■ noun

1》 an act of ~ing.

↘a sudden dramatic increase or change.

↘a sudden startled movement.

2》 an obstacle to be ~ed, especially by a horse in a competition.

3》 N. Amer. vulgar slang an act of sexual intercourse.

4》 Bridge a bid that is higher than necessary.


get (or have ) the ~ on N. Amer. informal get (or have) an advantage over (someone) due to prompt action.

~ down someone's throat informal respond in a sudden and angry way.

~ out of one's skin informal be very startled.

~ the queue push into a queue of people.

↘take unfair precedence over others.

~ the rails (or track ) (of a train) become dislodged from the track.

~ ship (of a sailor) leave a ship without permission.

~ through hoops be made to go through a complicated procedure.

~ (or leap ) to conclusions (or the conclusion) form an opinion hastily without considering all the facts.

~ to it! informal act promptly.

one ~ ahead one stage ahead of a rival.


~able adjective


C16: prob. imitative of the sound of feet landing on the ground.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.