n. ball of fire
baptism of fire
brush fire
build a fire under
Camp Fire girl
catch fire
cease fire
cross fire
under fire
on fire
fire and brimstone
fire ant
fire away
fire blight
fire breathing
fire breather
fire brigade
fire chief
fire control
fire coral
fire department
fire drill
fire eater
fire eating
fire engine
fire engine red
fire escape
fire extinguisher
fire hall
fire irons
fire line
fire off
fire opal
fire sale
fire screen
fire station
fire stop
fire tower
fire truck
fire wall
fox fire
free fire zone
out of the frying pan into the fire
Greek fire
hang fire
imported fire ant
iron in the fire
play with fire
rapid fire
Saint Anthony's fire
Saint Elmo's fire
sea fire
watch fire
Ring of Fire
all fired
firing line
firing pin
firing squad