[fire] n, often attrib [ME, fr. OE fyr; akin to OHG fiur fire, Gk pyr] (bef. 12c) 1 a (1): the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat (2): one of the four elements of the alchemists b (1): burning passion: ardor (2): liveliness of imagination: inspiration
2. a: fuel in a state of combustion (as on a hearth) b Brit: a small gas or electric space heater 3 a: a destructive burning (as of a building) b (1): death or torture by fire (2): severe trial or ordeal
4: brilliancy, luminosity "the ~ of a gem"
5. a: the firing of weapons (as firearms, artillery, or missiles) b: intense verbal attack or criticism c: a rapidly delivered series (as of remarks) -- fire.less adj -- on fire 1: being consumed by fire: aflame
2: eager, burning -- under fire 1: exposed to fire from an enemy's weapons
2: under attack
[2]fire vb fired ; fir.ing vt (13c) 1 a: to set on fire: kindle; also: ignite "~ a rocket engine" b (1): to give life or spirit to: inspire (2): to fill with passion or enthusiasm--often used with up c: to light up as if by fire d: to cause to start operating--usu. used with up
2. a: to drive out or away by or as if by fire b: to dismiss from a position 3 a (1): to cause to explode: detonate (2): to propel from or as if from a gun: discharge, launch "~ a rocket" (3): shoot 1b "~ a gun" (4): to score (a number) in a game or contest b: to throw with speed or force "fired the ball to first base" "~ a left jab" c: to utter with force and rapidity
4: to apply fire or fuel to: as a: to process by applying heat b: to feed or serve the fire of ~ vi 1 a: to take fire: kindle, ignite b: to begin operation: start "the engine fired" c: to operate esp. as the result of the application of an electrical impulse "the spark plug ~s"
2. a: to become irritated or angry--often used with up b: to become filled with excitement or enthusiasm 3 a: to discharge a firearm b: to emit or let fly an object
4: to tend a fire
5: to transmit a nerve impulse -- fire.able adj -- fir.er n