Meaning of JUMP in English


Function: noun

Date: circa 1552

1 a (1) : an act of jumping : LEAP (2) : any of several sports competitions featuring a leap, spring, or bound (3) : a leap in figure skating in which the skater leaves the ice with both feet and turns in the air (4) : a space cleared or covered by a leap (5) : an obstacle to be jumped over or from b : a sudden involuntary movement : START c : a move made in a board game by jumping d : a transfer from one sequence of instructions in a computer program to a different sequence <conditional jump >

2 obsolete : VENTURE

3 a (1) : a sharp sudden increase (2) : a bid in bridge of more tricks than are necessary to overcall the preceding bid ― compare SHIFT b : an abrupt change or transition c (1) : a quick short journey (2) : one in a series of moves from one place to another d : the portion of a published item (as a newspaper article or story) that comprises the continuation of an item that begins on a preceding page

4 : an advantage at the start <desirous of getting the jump on the competition ― Elmer Davis>

5 : jazz music with a fast tempo

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.