Meaning of PRESENT in English


Pronunciation: pri- ' zent

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French presenter, from Latin praesentare, from praesent-, praesens, adjective

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a (1) : to bring or introduce into the presence of someone especially of superior rank or status (2) : to introduce socially b : to bring (as a play) before the public

2 : to make a gift to

3 : to give or bestow formally

4 a : to lay (as a charge) before a court as an object of inquiry b : to bring a formal public charge, indictment, or presentment against

5 : to nominate to a benefice

6 a : to offer to view : SHOW b : to bring to one's attention <this present s a problem>

7 : to act the part of : PERFORM

8 : to aim, point, or direct (as a weapon) so as to face something or in a particular direction

intransitive verb

1 : to present a weapon

2 : to become manifest

3 : to come forward as a patient

4 : to make a presentation

synonyms see GIVE

– pre · sent · er noun

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