Function: verb
Inflected Form: faced ; fac · ing
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1 : to confront impudently
2 a : to line near the edge especially with a different material b : to cover the front or surface of < faced the building with marble>
3 : to meet face-to-face or in competition
4 a : to stand or sit with the face toward b : to have the front oriented toward <a house facing the park>
5 a : to recognize and deal with straightforwardly < face the facts> b : to master by confronting with determination ― used with down < faced down his critics>
6 a : to have as a prospect : be confronted by < face a grim future> b : to be a prospect or a source of concern for <the problems that face us> c : to bring face-to-face <he was faced with ruin>
7 : to make the surface of (as a stone) flat or smooth
8 : to cause (troops) to face in a particular direction on command
intransitive verb
1 : to have the face or front turned in a specified direction
2 : to turn the face in a specified direction
– face the music : to meet an unpleasant situation, a danger, or the consequences of one's actions