[face] n, often attrib [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL facia, fr. L facies make, form, face, fr. facere to make, do--more at do] (13c) 1 a: the front part of the human head including the chin, mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes, and usu. the forehead b: the face as a means of identification: countenance "would know that ~ anywhere"
2. archaic: presence, sight 3 a: facial expression b: grimace c: makeup 3a(1)
4. a: outward appearance "suspicious on the ~ of it" b: disguise, pretense c (1): assurance, confidence "maintaining a firm ~ in spite of adversity" (2): effrontery "how anyone could have the ~ to ask that question" d: dignity, prestige "afraid to lose ~"
5: surface: a (1): a front, upper, or outer surface (2): the front of something having two or four sides (3): facade (4): an exposed surface of rock (5): any of the plane surfaces that bound a geometric solid b: a surface specially prepared: as (1): the principal dressed surface (as of a disk) (2): the right side (as of cloth or leather) (3): an inscribed, printed, or marked side c (1): the surface (as of type) that receives the ink and transfers it to the paper (2): a style of type
6: the end or wall of a mine tunnel, drift, or excavation at which work is progressing 7: face value 8: person "lots of new ~s around here" -- in the face of also in face of : face-to-face with: despite "succeed in the face of great difficulties" -- to one's face : in one's presence or so that one is fully aware of what is going on: frankly
[2]face vb faced ; fac.ing vt (15c) 1: to confront impudently
2. a: to line near the edge esp. with a different material b: to cover the front or surface of "faced the building with marble"
3: to meet face-to-face or in competition
4. a: to stand or sit with the face toward b: to have the front oriented toward "a house facing the park"
5. a: to recognize and deal with straightforwardly "~ the facts" b: to master by confronting with determination--used with down "faced down his critics"
6. a: to have as a prospect: be confronted by "~ a grim future" b: to be a prospect or a source of concern for "the problems that ~ us" c: to bring face-to-face "he was faced with ruin" 7: to make the surface of (as a stone) flat or smooth 8: to cause (troops) to face in a particular direction on command ~ vi 1: to have the face or front turned in a specified direction
2: to turn the face in a specified direction -- face the music : to meet an unpleasant situation, a danger, or the consequences of one's actions