Function: noun
Etymology: 1 pass
Date: 1523
1 : REALIZATION <brought his dream to pass >
2 : the act or an instance of passing : PASSAGE
3 : a usually distressing or bad state of affairs <what has brought you to such a pass ?>
4 a : a written permission to move about freely in a place or to leave or enter it b : a written leave of absence from a military post or station for a brief period c : a permit or ticket allowing free transportation or free admission
5 archaic : a thrust or lunge in fencing
6 a : a transference of objects by sleight of hand or other deceptive means b : a moving of the hands over or along something
7 archaic : an ingenious sally (as of wit)
8 : the passing of an examination or course of study also : the mark or certification of such passing
9 : a single complete mechanical operation also : a single complete cycle of operations (as for processing, manufacturing, or printing)
10 a (1) : a transfer of a ball or a puck from one player to another on the same team (2) : a ball or puck so transferred b : PASSING SHOT
12 : an election not to bid, bet, or draw an additional card in a card game
13 : a throw of dice in the game of craps that wins the bet for the shooter ― compare 3 CRAP 2 MISSOUT
14 : a single passage or movement (as of an airplane) over a place or toward a target
15 a : EFFORT , TRY b : a sexually inviting gesture or approach
16 : PASE