Meaning of STOCK in English


Pronunciation: ' stäk

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English stok, from Old English stocc; akin to Old High German stoc stick

Date: before 12th century

1 a archaic : STUMP b archaic : a log or block of wood c (1) archaic : something without life or consciousness (2) : a dull, stupid, or lifeless person

2 : a supporting framework or structure: as a plural : the frame or timbers holding a ship during construction b plural : a device for publicly punishing offenders consisting of a wooden frame with holes in which the feet or feet and hands can be locked c (1) : the wooden part by which a shoulder arm is held during firing (2) : the butt of an implement (as a whip or fishing rod) (3) : BITSTOCK , BRACE d : a long beam on a field gun forming the third support point in firing

3 a : the main stem of a plant : TRUNK b (1) : a plant or plant part united with a scion in grafting and supplying mostly underground parts to a graft (2) : a plant from which slips or cuttings are taken

4 : the crosspiece of an anchor ― see ANCHOR illustration

5 a : the original (as a person, race, or language) from which others derive : SOURCE b (1) : the descendants of one individual : FAMILY , LINEAGE <of European stock > (2) : a compound organism c : an infraspecific group usually having unity of descent d (1) : a related group of languages (2) : a language family

6 a (1) : the equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment (2) : LIVESTOCK b : a store or supply accumulated or available especially : the inventory of goods of a merchant or manufacturer

7 a archaic : a supply of capital : FUNDS especially : money or capital invested or available for investment or trading b (1) : the part of a tally formerly given to the creditor in a transaction (2) : a debt or fund due (as from a government) for money loaned at interest also British : capital or a debt or fund bearing interest in perpetuity and not ordinarily redeemable as to principal c (1) : the proprietorship element in a corporation usually divided into shares and represented by transferable certificates (2) : a portion of such stock of one or more companies (3) : STOCK CERTIFICATE

8 : any of a genus ( Matthiola ) of Old World herbs or subshrubs of the mustard family with racemes of usually sweet-scented flowers

9 : a wide band or scarf worn about the neck especially by some clergymen

10 a : liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been simmered that is used as a basis for soup, gravy, or sauce b (1) : raw material from which something is manufactured (2) : paper used for printing c : the portion of a pack of cards not distributed to the players at the beginning of a game

11 a (1) : an estimate or evaluation of something <take stock of the situation> (2) : the estimation in which someone or something is held <his stock with the electorate remains high ― Newsweek > b : confidence or faith placed in someone or something <put little stock in his testimony>

12 : the production and presentation of plays by a stock company

13 : STOCK CAR 1

– in stock : on hand : in the store and ready for delivery

– out of stock : having no more on hand : completely sold out

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.