[firm] adj [ME ferm, fr. MF, fr. L firmus; akin to Gk thronos chair, throne] (14c) 1 a: securely or solidly fixed in place b: not weak or uncertain: vigorous c: having a solid or compact structure that resists stress or pressure
2. a (1): not subject to change or revision (2): not subject to price weakness: steady b: not easily moved or disturbed: steadfast c: well-founded
3: indicating firmness or resolution "a ~ mouth" -- firm.ly adv -- firm.ness n
[2]firm adv (14c): in a firm manner: steadfastly, fixedly [3]firm vt (14c) 1 a: to make secure or fast: tighten "~ing her grip on the racquet"--often used with up b: to make solid or compact "~ the soil"
2: to put into final form: settle "~ a contract" "~ up plans"
3: to give additional support to: strengthen--usu. used with up ~ vi 1: to become firm: harden--often used with up
2: to recover from a decline: improve "the market is ~ing" [4]firm n [G Firma, fr. It, signature, ultim. fr. L firmare to make firm, confirm, fr. firmus] (1744) 1: the name or title under which a company transacts business
2: a partnership of two or more persons that is not recognized as a legal person distinct from the members composing it
3: a business unit or enterprise