v. & n.
1. a throw out light and heat without flame; be incandescent. b shine like something heated in this way.
2 (of the cheeks) redden, esp. from cold or exercise.
3 (often foll. by with) a (of the body) be heated, esp. from exertion; sweat. b express or experience strong emotion (glowed with pride; glowing with indignation).
4 showing a warm colour (the painting glows with warmth).
5 (as glowing adj.) expressing pride or satisfaction (a glowing report).
1. a glowing state.
2 a bright warm colour, esp. the red of cheeks.
3 ardour; passion.
4 a feeling induced by good health, exercise, etc.; well-being.
Phrases and idioms:
glow discharge a luminous sparkless electrical discharge from a pointed conductor in a gas at low pressure. glow-worm any beetle of the genus Lampyris whose wingless female emits light from the end of the abdomen. in a glow colloq. hot or flushed; sweating.
glowingly adv.
Etymology: OE glowan f. Gmc