leave of absence
1) to issue a ~
2) to cancel, revoke a ~
3) a ~ to (we got a ~ to town)
4) on ~ (they are in the city on ~)
5) to make a ~ (over a target)
aggressive attempt to become friendly
6) to make a ~ (at smb.)
transfer of a ball, puck
7) to complete; throw a ~
8) to block; intercept a ~
9) ( Am. football) a forward; incomplete; lateral; touchdown ~
10) a free ~
11) a ~ to (we got free ~es to the concert)
12) things came to a pretty ~ ('the situation became very complicated')
1) ( A ) ('to hand') ('to throw') ~ the sugar to me; or: ~ me the sugar; my teammate ~ed the ball to me; or my teammate ~ed me the ball
2) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ as, for ('to be accepted as') (he can ~ as/for a Frenchman)
3) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ between ('to be exchanged') (a significant look ~ed between them)
4) ( d ; intr. ) ('to shift') to ~ from; to (to ~ from one subject to another)
5) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ on, upon ('to judge') (to ~ on the merits of a case)
6) ( D ; tr. ) ('to deliver') to ~ on, upon (the judge ~ed sentence on the accused; to ~ judgment on smb.)
7) ( d ; intr. ) ('to go'); ('to fly') to ~ over (several planes ~ed over our house; to ~ over a bridge)
8) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ over ('to disregard') (they ~ed over her when promotions were handed out)
9) ( d ; intr. ) ('to go') to ~ through (she was just ~ing through town)
10) ( d ; tr. ) ('to insert') to ~ through (he ~ed the cable through the loop)
11) (s) to ~ unnoticed
12) ( misc. ) ( BE ) to be ~ed fit for service
1) to clear a ~
2) to block a ~
3) a mountain ~
4) a ~ between; over; through (a ~ through the mountains)