1) снабжение; поставка; подача [c crimson]|| снабжать; поставлять; подавать
2) pl запас (ы) , общее количество
3) предложение ( напр. товара)
4) pl продовольствие, припасы, провиант; предметы снабжения
5) ассигнования на содержание вооружённых сил и государственного аппарата (в английском бюджете)
6) pl (денежное) содержание
7) pl сырьё и материалы; поставки сырья и материалов
8) pl вспомогательные материалы ( напр. смазочные)
- supply and demand
- supplies are falling off
- supply calls forth its own demand
- supply for consumption
- supplies in the form of productive capital
- supply meets the demand
- supplies on hand
- supply a demand
- adjust supplies to current demand
- arrange for supply
- be in supply
- be in short supply
- be in surplus supply
- reconcile supply and demand
- run short of supplies
- supplies of commodities
- supply of labor
- supply of land
- supply of loanable funds
- supply of market
- supplies of means of production
- supplies of products
- supply of resources
- adequate supplies
- aggregate supply
- agricultural labor supply
- ample supplies
- automatic supply
- balanced supply
- bulk supply
- bulk-packaged supplies
- bulk power supply
- capitalized supplies and equipment
- competitive supply
- composite supply
- credit supply
- critical supplies
- crop supplies
- deficient supply
- direct supplies
- domestic supply
- elastic supply
- electric supply
- expendable supplies
- factor supply
- factory supplies
- feed supplies
- floating supply of securities
- generating supply
- industrial water supply
- inelastic supply
- joint supply
- livestock supply
- manufacturing supplies
- material supply
- money supply
- municipal water supply
- office supplies
- overall supplies
- parts supply
- probabilistic supply
- productive supplies
- public electric supply
- public water supply
- reserve supplies
- set-aside supplies
- short supplies
- streamside supply
- technical supply
- water supply
- wholesale power supply