[sup.ply] vb sup.plied ; sup.ply.ing [ME supplien, fr. MF soupleier, fr. L supplere to fill up, supplement, supply, fr. sub- up + plere to fill--more at sub-, full] vt (14c) 1: to add as a supplement
2. a: to provide for: satisfy "laws by which the material wants of men are supplied --Bull. of Bates Coll." b: to make available for use: provide "supplied the necessary funds" c: to satisfy the needs or wishes of d: to furnish (organs, tissues, or cells) with a vital element (as blood or nerve fibers)
3: to substitute for another in; specif: to serve as a supply in (a church or pulpit) ~ vi: to serve as a supply or substitute -- sup.pli.er n
[2]supply n, pl supplies (15c) 1 obs: assistance, succor
2. a obs: reinforcements--often used in pl. b: a clergyman filling a vacant pulpit temporarily c: the quantity or amount (as of a commodity) needed or available "beer was in short ~ in that hot weather --Nevil Shute" d: provisions, stores--usu. used in pl.
3: the act or process of filling a want or need "engaged in the ~ of raw materials to industry"
4: the quantities of goods or services offered for sale at a particular time or at one price
5: something that maintains or constitutes a supply