1. сущ. 1) снабжение, поставка; подача, поступление 2) предложение (например, товара) 3) брит. ассигнования на содержание вооруженных сил и государственного аппарата (в английском бюджете) 4) запас 5) общее количество (товара) на рынке 6) продовольствие 7) припасы, провиант 8) утвержденные парламентом ассигнования 9) содержание (денежное) • - able to supply - account supplies - additional supply - aggregate supply - ample supplies - available supplies - be in excess supply - be in low supply - be in short supply - be in supply - be in surplus supply - bulk power supply - bulk supply - competitive supply - conditions of supply - decrease in supply - demand and supply - demand is outgrowing supply - direct supplies - domestic supply - elastic supply - elasticity of supply - electric supply - energy supply - excess supply - exhaust supply - fixed supply - floating supply - fresh supplies - generating supply - increase in supply - individual supply - joint supply - labour supply - long-run supply - maintenance supply - Ministry of Supply - money supply - power supply - regressive supply - reserve supply - rival supply - source of supply - stationary and office supplies - supplies and materials - supplies of materials and machinery - supply agencies - supply agreement - supply and demand - supply and demand - supply and sales agency - supply department - supply factor - supply in full sets - supply of grain - supply of the market - supply on hand - supply plan - supply policy - terms of supply - total supply - visible supplies - world supply Syn: bid, offer, offer bid 2. гл. 1) снабжать, поставлять, доставлять 2) давать 3) удовлетворять 4) возмещать 5) замещать - supply a demand - supply a need Syn: accommodate, provide, equip, fit with, outfit
Англо-русский перевод SUPPLY
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001