Meaning of ROUND in English


Function: noun

Date: 14th century

1 a : something (as a circle, globe, or ring) that is round b (1) : a knot of people (2) : a circle of things


3 : a musical canon in which each part begins on the same note and is continuously repeated

4 a : a rung of a ladder or a chair b : a rounded molding

5 a : a circling or circuitous path or course b : motion in a circle or a curving path

6 a : a route or circuit habitually covered (as by a security guard or police officer) b : a series of similar or customary calls or stops <making the round s of his friends ― Current Biog. > especially : a series of regularly scheduled professional calls on hospital patients made by a doctor or nurse ― usually used in plural

7 : a drink of liquor apiece served at one time to each person in a group <I'll buy the next round >

8 : a sequence of recurring routine or repetitive actions or events <went about my round of chores> <the newest round of talks>

9 : a period of time that recurs in a fixed pattern <the daily round >

10 a : one shot fired by a weapon or by each man in a military unit b : a unit of ammunition consisting of the parts necessary to fire one shot

11 a : a unit of action in a contest or game which comprises a stated period, covers a prescribed distance, includes a specified number of plays, or gives each player one turn b : a division of a tournament in which each contestant plays an opponent

12 : a prolonged burst (as of applause)

13 a : a cut of meat (as beef) especially between the rump and the lower leg ― see BEEF illustration b : a slice of food <a round of bread>

14 : a rounded or curved part

– in the round

1 : in full sculptured form unattached to a background

2 : with an inclusive or comprehensive view or representation

3 : with a center stage surrounded by an audience <a play presented in the round >

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.