Meaning of PART COMPANY in English



a. : to bring a companionship, association, or similar connection between two parties (as individuals, groups, or organizations) to an end

a faint diverging path was reached, where they parted company — Thomas Hardy

held the federal union together … when the states might easily have parted company — C.A.Herter

b. : to effect such a separation from someone or something — used with with

parted legal company with his former boss … and has hired his own lawyer — Ted Princiotto


a. : to diverge from someone or something (as in opinion, policy, or common purpose) — used with with

the Republican Senate leadership parted company with the President on this issue — Arthur Krock

and sometimes with from

here … parts company from most of the scholars — Times Literary Supplement

b. : to diverge in such a way from each other

on the tariff question the two philosophies parted company

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