Meaning of SUPPLY in English

v. 1 furnish, provide, give, endow, present, purvey, deliver, come up with, contribute, distribute, sell; stock, accommodate, afford, equip, outfit, gear (up), rig (out), fit (out), provision, cater to, Chiefly Brit kit out or up; victual Her company supplies radios to the army Her husband's firm supplies the navy with anti-fouling paint. 2 yield, give, contribute, come up with, deliver, provide, furnish The farm supplies our basic foods 3 satisfy, fulfil, replenish, fill Can you supply the demand for clothing?

n. 4 stock, stockpile, store, inventory, quantity, reservoir, reserve, cache, hoard, accumulation, fund Our supply is big enough to serve the entire area 5 furnishing, provision, providing, purveying, supplying, distribution, equipping, outfitting, provisioning, delivery, stocking, stockpiling The supply of microchips on a large scale is beyond our capacity

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