Meaning of HALL, SIR CHARLES in English

born April 11, 1819, Hagen, Westphalia died October 25, 1895, Manchester, England original name Carl Halle German-born British pianist and conductor, founder of the famed Hall Orchestra. Hall studied at Darmstadt and in Paris, where he became friendly with Frdric Chopin, Franz Liszt, and Hector Berlioz. He gave chamber concerts in Paris, but during the Revolution of 1848 he fled to England, settling in Manchester as a pianist and teacher. In 1849 he became conductor of the Gentlemen's Concerts there. He began to give regular concerts in 1858 with an orchestra he had formed for the Art Treasures Exhibition the previous year. This was the beginning of the Hall Orchestra, which he conducted until his death and which became one of Britain's premier instrumental ensembles; it performed throughout the country and around the world into the 21st century. In 1893 the Royal Manchester College of Music was founded, largely through his efforts, and Hall served as its first principal. He also gave frequent piano recitals in London and was knighted in 1888.

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